Friday 14 November 2008

Week Seven- Dance

This week a little animation thing; I'm trying out ideas, and this one has been in my head a while now. Basically, I took a short [12 second] clip of my friend dancing, exported it from final cut as a series of single frames, and then took each individual frame into photoshop where I duplicated the layer, extracted the figure and then filtered the figure as a photocopy, making the figure appear as it does whilst leaving the background as regular film. Then i imported each frame back into fcp, and looped a few parts to try and make it fit to the intro of MIA's 'world town'. There are 24 frames in a second, so I had to draw around my friend's dancing body nearly 300 times. Which was fun! But I'm pleased with the results, and in the end this took about 9 hours to produce.

Dance from lucy chambers on Vimeo.

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